TEMPSure envi Fine Line Reduction
We know you want to have more laughter in your life and less laugh lines.
Which is why Dr. Knezacek and his Team brought in his TEMPSURE envi program to reduce fine lines.
If you have fine lines and they are making you feel less youthful and vibrant, you should be helped by TEMPSURE envi using Radio Frequency (RF).
By gently delivering radiofrequency to your skin, TEMPSure Envi increases your skin temperature for a prescribed period of time. This heat triggers the body’s natural reaction to produce new collagen fibers that are tighter and denser.
As a result, excess skin in the lower or upper eyelid is reduced and you can say goodbye to fine lines, skin tags, spider veins, and cherry-red spots. If you are suffering from dry eye disease, Envi stimulates clogged tear glands and revives an optimal surface for the eye. After your treatment, we will provide recommendations and supplements for you to improve the quality of their tears to further reduce the recurrence of dry eye symptoms.
The RF energy, along with clearing the clogged Meibomian glands, benefits the skin in other ways. The energy delivered triggers the body to produce collagen and elastin fibers (making them tighter and denser). This tissue change tightens skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines. This treatment can additionally be used for areas other than the eyes.
RF with the TempSure Envi cannot be done on all patients. Please book a phone consultation to determine if you are a candidate. If you are a candidate, we will schedule a time for baseline results and treatment. Optimal results usually require 3 treatments over 2-3 months. The results should be effective for a year, depending on the level of dryness. The added benefits of skin tightening have immediate results, but will continue improving for up to 6 months.
Treatment will cause some redness of the skin, which quickly subsides. You can go about your regular activities immediately after the treatment, leaving no down time.
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